Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Activity Report: Earth Day at the MNS UCF

By Wong Ee Lynn
The gloomy drizzle that we woke up to on the morning of Earth Day (22nd April 2017) failed to deter close to 40 dedicated volunteers from showing up at the Malaysian Nature Society Urban Community Forest (UCF) to assist in the trail and nursery cleanup organised by Green Living SIG.

Volunteers consisting of MNS members, members of the public, members of expat community InterNations and staff of biodegradable medical examination glove manufacturer Cranberry (M) Sdn Bhd worked together to clean up the UCF / Federal Hill trail and nursery, the UCF stream and the areas surrounding the MNS headquarters’ entrance. This completed, they also mulched the UCF compost pile and weeded the nursery and vegetable patch.

A refreshment break was provided once these tasks have been completed, and each volunteer was given a reusable cloth tote bag as a token of appreciation. The generous volunteers also brought electronic waste for recycling and pre-loved clothes, toys and books for Green Living’s ongoing projects with other organisations assisting the homeless and urban poor communities in Kuala Lumpur. Several kind volunteers also helped to sort through and pack the donations for easy transportation, while others contributed refreshments.

A Photo Scavenger Hunt was held to end the event on a high note. Volunteers were given a list of items to look for and photograph, including something that propagates through spores, an edible plant, something that has no use in nature (clue: it’s manmade!), and a ‘wefie’ with another volunteer that they have not met prior to this event.
Prizes were given out to the winners and volunteers were duly thanked for their contributions. Green Living would like to thank all the volunteers who participated and we hope to see you at future events.

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